Have you ever been addicted to a color when decorating? I have. My color addiction is yellow. Whenever I start a new decorating project, somehow I seem to always incorporate yellow in the color scheme. Weather it be a bright yellow or a softer tone yellow, it's always there. The color yellow reminds me of sunny days, or fun childhood memories or even a nice calming evening watching the sunset at the beach. It is amazing how a simple color can set a mood in a room and bring joy and laughter to our hearts. Now before you start thinking that I am some crazed person who walks around in a yellow outfit, drives a yellow car, lives in a yellow house, I'm just simply saying that for me a little bit of yellow can go a long way. For example, you may have a room that its primary color is white or some type of gray tones, its style of decor is chic and classy. A splash of yellow will bring life to the room. This can be done with any color of your preference. For me it's yellow. What is your color addiction? What comes to mind when you incorporate your color to your decor?